Profiles of Giants of the Ryukyuan Music Performing Arts `

Profiles of Giants of the Ryukyuan Music Performing Arts

Haneji Choshu or Sho Jo Ken, a prince of the ryukyu kingdom was born in 1617. He became one of the most influential persons of the Ryukyuan 17th century. With the reality of Japanese shadow occupation; policy began to reflect the necessity to appease the new Japanese authority. The first Ryukyuan history book, written by Choshu, reflects this fact.
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Byron Jones Intro to Ryukuan Music

Hello All,
I will be contributing a series of entries on Okinawa; many of which have to do with Ryukyuan/Okinawan Music. Anyone familiar with music from Okinawa soon realizes that for such a small island, there sure is a wide breadth of music. One primary goal of this research is, to share with you, the depth of the indigenous lyrical poetry, called `Ryuka`, as well as the various beats and melodies of the taiko, Sanshin, and beyond… My name is Byron Jones.

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