Profiles of Giants of the Ryukyuan Music Performing Arts 

In this series of articles on Ryukyuan Performing Arts, specifically Music, We will study the historical context/environment of Ryukyu, and the people who’s ‘enhancements` left a profound impact on the society. A society which is the birthing ground for great Ryukyuan traditions of art; classical, folk, pop music, and dance.

Let us see that one of the most profound, true unique qualities is the universal humanity of its themes. The highly refined prose and melody, though influenced by the uniquely Ryukyuan scientific, political, and economic environment of the day, are often manifest by;

Melodies reflective of natural sounds of the rain, thunder, and ocean.

Amorous feelings of the passions of love as well as despair of loss.

And celebrating (Medetai) a reverent honor, respect, and thanksgiving to God, for abundant harvests, abundant health, and abundant life….

The world today is filled with many wonderful experiences. We as humans accent the world God made for us with this `spice of life`. This spice ranges from a literal spice that we may pepper and salt our foods with, and/or it may include `enhancements` if you may, outside the genre of physical food.

These enhancements however do not create experiences, only God truly creates. With that said, in his creation of us, he created free will, allowing us the capacity to `derive` new and exiting manifestations of the physical, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional realities already in existence.

For clarity’s sake, we may say that these enhancements may be described in two categories; Art and Science. I am in awe of the educational giants of our forefathers, who divided our basic college curriculums in these two areas, i.e.… Associates, Bachelors, and Masters of Arts/Science.

After establishing who the true foundational giant of Art and Science is, let us now speak of the ontological classifications of art and science. Are they really two distinct or separate derivatives of creation? Meaning, can we really completely separate the science from art, or art from science? Let’s try…

Let’s start with the oldest known form of human’s attempt of art, cave drawings. The laws of physical science dictate that if we were to have tried to paint these pictures with only H2O (water), there is a pretty good chance that this generation would know nothing of these pictures. You get the picture….

As any artist will tell you, there instrument, whether it be a guitar, pencil, paintbrush, hammer, anvil, sanshin, there own body, etc…, these instruments help the artist/scientist manifest their ‘creative’ power. You may ask, which of these ‘enhancements’ stick? Throughout the ages, with most classical technological `advances` through human history, science/art that not only follow the natural laws of God’s plan, but also the ones that serve mankind in the most efficient and potent way.

Even from the evolutionary paradigm, you could say that, music, from the first instrument of clapping hands or beating sticks on something (the first drum) and picture art, from the first drawings in the sands of time, have evolved.

Inventors, both in the arts and sciences, use the technical foundation of the previous generation’s giants of discovery, coupled with a creative hope and vision, both as new and as old as the universe itself; to inspire and discover both, science and art.

Whether in Ryukyu (Okinawa), Austria, Bantu, or Hawaii, the processes of artistic/scientific discovery and expression encourages and inspires humanity.

Medetai ya, Medetai ya, Meditai….

See you next article and, Mata Yaa…