Tofu Hamburgers (for 4 people)


*Ground Meat 300g

*Tofu (Okinawa island Tofu) 400g

*Onion 1/2

*Carrot 1pcs

*hizikia handful

!! Hisikia contains a lot of iron, calcium, potassium and iodine. It even has 500 times more

 calcium compared to milk and 2 times that of kelp. It helpful for anemic conditions but please eat with other vegetables together to absorb iron.!!

* 4 teaspoons of cornstarch

*1 teaspoon of salt

*1 teaspoon of pepper


For topping

Mushroom / Japanese radish / Macrophyll / soy sauce


1) Chop onion and carrot and fry them with hizikia.

2) Put the contents from 1), ground meat, tofu, corn starch, salt and pepper into a bowl and mix them by hand until thick.  

3) Shape the mixture just like a hamburger and brown in fry pan.

4) Place butter sautéed mushroom, Japanese radish and Macrophyll on a hamburger and sprinkle on some soy sauce. Very, very yummy!!