Peace Memorial Park

Peace Memorial Park
Located in Mabuni, Itoman City. This park is built upon the site the final fighting of the Battle of Okinawa. This park is in tribute to the hundreds of thousands who died in the "typhoon of steel" and includes the names of 1200 Americans who perished in the last great battle of World War II.

 The Cornerstone of Peace
"A monument to mourn the war dead and pray for eternal peace.
The Cornerstone is in the Peace Park at Mabuni, the site of the last fighting of the Battle of Okinawa. It was erected to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the Battle and World War II. The Cornerstone of Peace is built as if to evoke the motion of waves. The names of all those who died in the fighting are inscribed on it, military and civilian alike, without regard to nationality. It stands as a memorial to the war dead and as an expression of hope for peace for their souls. It is also a plea for eternal peace and conveys the spirit of peace that is born of Okinawa’s history and life to the country and to the world.–  OCVB"

Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum
The museum exhibits cover the history of Okinawa leading up to WWII, the Battle of Okinawa , and the postwar period of U.S. military occupation.
Tel.    098-997-3844

Okinawa Peace Memorial Hall
Shaped in the image of the seven seas joining hands in prayer, the Okinawa Peace Memorial Hall is a symbol of world peace that transcends ideologies and religions. Within the hall, a Peace Memorial Statue that took more than 18 years to build is enshrined as well as an art museum that exhibits masterpieces of leading Japanese artists.
Adults     500 yen
Tel.     098-997-3011