Category Archives: Travel
Go shopping. Kokusai Street and Heiwa Dori are the heart of shopping in Naha. Kokusai (which means international) Street is the main retail street in Naha. Heiwa Dori branches off from Kokusai St. and is one of the entrances to … Continue reading
Shurijo Castle
Shurijo Castle, pride of the Okinawan people. Shurijo was the control tower of the Shuri Monarchy, which ruled over the Ryukyu Islands and expanded its diplomatic and trading links to China, Japan, Korea and the countries of Southeast Asia. This … Continue reading
Okinawa is ichiban!
okinawa is ichiban! Some Interesting Tidbits that Make Okinawa Unique (from Okinawa Magazine, published by the Okinawa Prefectural Government and the Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau) the jewel in the pacific: OKINAWA, THE TROPICAL TRAVEL DESTINATION Okinawa is ichiban! The … Continue reading
Okinawa Travel Summary
Tourism is Okinawa’s largest industry. Okinawa prefecture is host to nearly 5.5 million visitors a year who spend nearly 6 billion US dollars annually.Okinawa is the primary resort vacation destination for Japanese travelers. Tourists can enjoy an ancient culture with … Continue reading
Sightseeing Info
Sightseeing Info (information gleaned from various Okinawan travel publications) Museums and Folkcraft Centers Awamori Masahiro Gallery Address: 5-8-1 Nishizaki Itoman-shi Telephone: (098) 994-8080 Bashofu Hall Address: 1103 Kijoyoka Ogimi-son Telephone: (0980) 44-3033 Closed Sundays and National Holidays. Ginoza Museum Address: … Continue reading
5 things to do
1. Visit Shurijo Castle in Naha city. There are 7 world heritage sites on Okinawa. Most of them are gusuku or fortress ruins. Shurijo was the ancient capital of the kingdom of the Ryukyus. It was destroyed in World War … Continue reading
Hotel advice
Most Japanese hotels charge by the guest rather than by the room, so that most hotel web sites show lower prices for a twin room than a single. This practice is slowly changing but when making a reservation you should … Continue reading